The Adam Stanton House and General Store was built in 1791 by a wealthy, striving merchant-businessman whose entrepreneurial spirit and extraordinary taste can be seen in every aspect of this unique house museum. Filled with clothing, furnishings, documents, and store inventory all belonging to the original Stanton family, the house provides a glimpse into 18th and 19th century life in a privileged New England family home. In 1916, the house was left in trust by Adam Stanton's heirs to become a house museum. It has been open to the public ever since.
The Adam Stanton House is proud to announce it also has a Spanish visitor guide booklet available at the museum titled “Guia de visita auto guiada de la casa del Museo Adam Stanton y Tienda General”. Private tours, led by a Spanish speaking guide, may be arranged by emailing the Adam Stanton House at: adamstantonhouse@gmail.com.
Below is the museum visitor guide English and Spanish booklet introduction:
Adam Stanton (1749-1834) was born in Westerly, RI and came to Killingworth (Clinton) in 1777, the same year that he married Elizabeth Treat (1754-1805) of Preston, CT. Adam’s first business venture in Killingworth was salt extraction from the waters of Long Island Sound near the Town Beach. That business was not successful and evolved into many others including the general store (which is a part of this House), agricultural enterprises, a wharf at the east end of Cedar Island, ownership of a number of large sailing vessels plus a quarry operation near (or possibly in) Peter's Woods. He was a very smart, wealthy man. Nearly everyone in town dealt with Adam Stanton in some way, a sailor on one of his ships, a store customer, a quarry worker, or producer of wares or agricultural products which Adam would market in New York or abroad.
The House and store were built in 1791 on the property where the Reverend Abraham Pierson's parsonage once stood. The parsonage fell into disrepair in the 1750’s. Pierson was the first president of Yale and the University's first classes were held in his home. The well in the backyard was used by Yale's first students. Along with the Pierson Parsonage which dates from 1694, oak timbers from the Pierson Parsonage can be seen in the basement supporting the two chimneys.
Adam Stanton (1749-1834) nació en Westerly, RI y llegó a Killingworth (Clinton) en 1777, el mismo año en que se casó con Elizabeth Treat (1754-1805) de Preston, CT. La primera empresa comercial de Adam en Killingworth fue la extracción de sal de las aguas de Long Island Sound, cerca de Town Beach. Ese negocio no tuvo éxito y se convirtió en muchos otros, incluido el almacén general (que es parte de esta Cámara), empresas agrícolas, un muelle en el extremo este de Cedar Island, propiedad de varios grandes barcos de vela y una operación de cantera cerca (o posiblemente en) Peter's Woods. Era un hombre muy inteligente y rico. Casi todos en la ciudad trataron con Adam Stanton de alguna manera, un marinero en uno de sus barcos, un cliente de una tienda, un trabajador de una cantera o un productor de mercancías o productos agrícolas que Adam comercializar en Nueva York o en el extranjero.
La casa y la tienda fueron construidas en 1791 en la propiedad donde una vez estuvo la rectoría del reverendo Abraham Pierson. La casa parroquial cayó en mal estado en la década de 1750. Pierson fue el primer presidente de Yale y las primeras clases de la Universidad se llevaron a cabo en su casa. El pozo del patio trasero fue utilizado por los primeros estudiantes de Yale. Junto con la casa parroquial de Pierson, que data de 1694, se pueden ver vigas de roble de la casa parroquial de Pierson en el sótano que sostiene las dos chimeneas.